Experience the Power of Insights with
Antlere Mystery Shopping Program

Enhance service quality and business performance with Antlere MSP through valuable customer experience insights, assessing service, product availability, and overall experience.

Mystery Shopping

Are your customers experiencing the service you expect?

Antlere’s Mystery Shopping Program spans across industries included but not limited to banking, retail, transportation, hospitality, dining & automotive industries, uncovering service gaps that enable corrective actions and elevate staff performance.

Our mystery shoppers act as genuine customers, evaluating every aspect of the customer experience. We collaborate with your organization to understand your protocols and deliver actionable insights for continuous improvement.

Mystery Shopping

How Antlere MSP Can Help Your Business Grow!

Antlere’s expert mystery shopping program goes beyond basic evaluations. Our trained shoppers provide insights that traditional methods simply can’t match.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Antlere lets you identify and address issues, ensuring that your business consistently exceeds customer expectations and achieves lasting satisfaction.

Improved Staff Performance

Antlere’s detailed feedback empowers and trains your team, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and excellence.

Increased Loyalty & Retention

We deliver personalized, exceptional service strategies that strengthen customer relationships and encourage repeat business.

Competitive Advantage

Gain a strategic edge by refining your service offerings through comprehensive evaluations, keeping you ahead in your industry.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Antlere lets you identify and address issues, ensuring that your business consistently exceeds customer expectations and achieves lasting satisfaction.

Improved Staff Performance

Antlere’s detailed feedback empowers and trains your team, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and excellence.

Increased Loyalty & Retention

We deliver personalized, exceptional service strategies that strengthen customer relationships and encourage repeat business.

Competitive Advantage

Gain a strategic edge by refining your service offerings through comprehensive evaluations, keeping you ahead in your industry.

Why Choose Our
Mystery Shopping Program?

Antlere Mystery Shopping Program is renowned for its precision and accuracy. Our experienced secret shoppers who meticulously assess every aspect of your business operations to provide you with insightful feedback.

Tailored Evaluations

Our mystery shopping strategies are customized to fit your specific industry and business requirements.

Comprehensive Reports

Receive in-depth reports that clearly identify your business’s strengths and pinpoint areas needing improvement.

Actionable Insights

Use data from our evaluations to implement effective changes and enhance customer satisfaction.

Mystery Shopping

Why Choose Our Mystery Shopping Program?

Antlere Mystery Shopping Program is renowned for its precision and accuracy. Our experienced secret shoppers who meticulously assess every aspect of your business operations to provide you with insightful feedback.

Tailored Evaluations

Our mystery shopping strategies are customized to fit your specific industry and business requirements.

Comprehensive Reports

Receive in-depth reports that clearly identify your business’s strengths and pinpoint areas needing improvement.

Actionable Insights

Use data from our evaluations to implement effective changes and enhance customer satisfaction.

The Antlere Mystery Shopping Program
How it works?

Mystery shopping companies typically follows a structured process to ensure accurate and comprehensive evaluations. Here’s how it works:

Planning & Design

The client defines the objectives, criteria, and evaluation standards for the mystery shopping program. This includes identifying key aspects of the customer experience to be assessed.

Engaging Shoppers

Trained evaluators, known as secret shoppers, are selected and briefed on the specific guidelines and scenarios they need to follow during their visits.


Mystery shoppers visit the business as regular customers. They observe and evaluate various aspects of the service, such as employee interactions, product availability, cleanliness, and overall atmosphere.


After the visit, secret shoppers provide detailed reports based on their observations with visual evidence. These reports highlight strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

Analysis and Action

Antlere provides the business with actionable insights and strategies to implement necessary changes, including staff training, operational adjustments and overall customer experience.

Planning and Design

The client defines the objectives, criteria, and evaluation standards for the mystery shopping program. This includes identifying key aspects of the customer experience to be assessed.

Engaging Shoppers

Trained evaluators, known as secret shoppers, are selected and briefed on the specific guidelines and scenarios they need to follow during their visits.


Mystery shoppers visit the business as regular customers. They observe and evaluate various aspects of the service, such as employee interactions, product availability, cleanliness, and overall atmosphere.


After the visit, secret shoppers provide detailed reports based on their observations with visual evidence. These reports highlight strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

Analysis and Action

Antlere provides the business with actionable insights and strategies to implement necessary changes, including staff training, operational adjustments and overall customer experience.

Our Comprehensive Mystery Shopping Solutions

Explore our range of specialized Mystery Shopping
Solutions designed to elevate customer service
standards for your businesses.

In-Person Evaluations

Get detailed insights from individual on-site visits to assess customer service and operational standards.

Telephonic Assessments

Evaluate the quality of your customer service through mystery calls to your business.

Online Evaluations

Measure the effectiveness of your digital interactions, including website, social media and email communications.

Hybrid Approach

Combine multiple evaluation methods to get a comprehensive view of your customer experience.

Our Diverse Mystery Shopping Industries

At Antlere, we offer a variety of mystery shopping services to cater different industries:

Mystery Shopping for Banks involves discreetly evaluating customer service, transaction processes, and compliance with banking regulations. It provides banks with actionable insights to enhance service quality, improve customer experience, and ensure regulatory adherence.

Our hotel mystery shopping services are specifically designed to assess the hospitality sector. From front desk interactions to room service and amenities, our secret shoppers evaluate every aspect of the guest experience.

Businesses can benefit from our retail mystery shopping solution, which includes a thorough retail audit, customer experience evaluation, and competitor analysis. Our evaluators assess everything from product availability to customer service, allowing you to maintain high standards and identify opportunities for improvement.

At Antlere, we assess your sales representatives to ensure they are informed, professional, and ethical, enhancing customer experience and boosting sales.

Mystery Shopping

Frequently asked questions

Answers to the most frequently asked questions

At Antlere, mystery shopping utilizes trained evaluators posing as customers to assess service quality, including employee behavior, product availability, and store cleanliness. Mystery shopping companies drive improvements, enhance customer satisfaction, and foster loyalty through actionable feedback and service excellence. 

A secret shopper, also known as a mystery shopper or secret shopper mystery, is hired to discreetly evaluate a business’s service quality, regulatory compliance, and overall customer experience by posing as a regular customer. Alongside, he helps in company mystery shopping.

At Antlere, our expert secret shoppers provide precise, reliable evaluations to help businesses optimize operations and enhance service quality.

Antlere’s mystery shopping follows a structured process: planning and objective definition, mystery shopper visits as regular customers, detailed reports on key aspects, and implementation of improvements. This ensures accurate assessments and meaningful enhancements in operational and customer service excellence.

Antlere’s secret shopper mystery method improves customer service and operations by deploying trained mystery shoppers to visit businesses, document experiences, and provide detailed reports with ratings and suggestions. This thorough evaluation empowers businesses to make informed decisions and enhance operational efficiency effectively.

The first step to boost business with mystery shopping is to find a mystery shopping company near me. After that avail the service from the best company around but make sure the company focus on customer service evaluation.

Your Customers Know the Truth—Do You?

Uncover the real customer journey and address gaps with insights that transform your business operations.

Mystery Shopping

Your Customers Know the Truth—Do You?

Uncover the real customer journey and address gaps with insights that transform your business operations.

Mystery Shopping